We were engaged by James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to provide a Masterplan and options appraisal of the main hospital site in Gorleston near Great Yarmouth.
The brief was to carry out an options appraisal and propose a masterplan which addressed the key priorities for the Trust. These priorities support the strategic objectives for the Trust and are underpinned by a set of key concepts and principles, which are integral to the strategy and to the development of this masterplan.
Our masterplan vision articulates the development of the James Paget University Hospital by combining a number of options to form a cohesive plan with scope for future development. Delivery of the site development and estate strategy relies in part on identifying commercial opportunities to support the key estate priorities.
Alongside existing elements of the hospital, the proposals within the document suggest a refocus of the hospital’s architecture to one which centres heavily on the ‘user experience’.